The Team at Tiledealer 01507 524852
We are a small team dedicated to customer satisfaction.When buying tiles from Tiledealer,feel confident we have done this for the last 20 years.We are happy to help Please call us on 01507524852 or email
Managing Director : Martin Pocklington :
Martin has been in the Tile Industry Nearly all of his working life. He started by Stacking tiles in a warehouse Now he runs the business from Morning till night.You may find him answering email at 6 am or 11.30 pm Just send a question and someone will respond.Email
Paul :Sales and Showroom Manager
Paul has been here for years and has good product knowledge A very helpful contact.
Dan: The young guy !! Again Dan Started at the beginning with Tiles.He lifted tiles,loaded tiles and now he lifts loads & sells tiles .